On Hope #0: Principles

The start of everything to come.

Okay, here we go.


Welcome! However you landed on this page, I’m glad you did.

I’d like to venture a bit of a guess.

If you’re here, you’ve probably looked at 5, 10, maybe even 20 different newsletters. They’re meant to educate us, to optimize our workflows and make us better people.

Yet, you still feel frustrated. Restless. Anxious. Stuck. Neurotic. And this mental epidemic is not even a secret.

I wished there was something that could delicately balance 1) cutting through the fluff, 2) inspiring action, and 3) intentionally creating naive optimism. Something educational, inspiring and beautiful. Something that breeds hope.

That’s how On Hope was born.

What is On Hope NOT?

On Hope is NOT a glorified version of reality. It will not sugar-coat anything; many of the greatest discoveries have started with the greatest tragedies (Chemotherapy from mustard gas in WWII, mRNA vaccines from COVID-19, reinforced buildings in Japan after tsunamis). Everything in these newsletters is presented in an honest, research-backed fashion and unless otherwise stated, all viewpoints are my own.

On Hope is NOT a Wikipedia. If you are looking for advanced domain knowledge, you won’t find it here. Yes, we will be exploring different companies and industries (with a focus on healthcare, recent events and technology), but if you are curious about anything else, I would encourage you to go the extra mile and do some research. It works wonders.

On Hope is NOT a solution to the mental health epidemic, but I think it’s a start. I hope the (hopefully positive) feelings that you get after reading this translate into other aspects of your life. Perhaps it’s a story you want to tell your kid as they return from school. Or maybe it’s the other way around.

On Hope is NOT intended to be used as financial, legal or other advice.

On Hope is NOT for everyone. But if you aspire to become a hopeful, knowledgeable and curious person who is able to find beauty even in the mundane, I’d take this bet.

Okay, so what IS On Hope?

A 5-minute newsletter which is:

  • Educational: “Concise deep dives” on companies, people and industries aligned with healthcare, current affairs, technology and more.

  • Inspiring: Community efforts, records, skills. Anything that screams humanity.

  • Beautiful: Random facts an 80-year-old would be amazed by.

Moving ahead, we have 3 goals:

  • To make you smile

  • To make you curious

  • To inspire you


No spam. Just 5 minutes every week, most weeks, right to your inbox.

So that’s it. We have resources on grit, on caring, on tragedy (go to any news landing page), and on brain rot (scroll social media for 5 minutes), but not yet one for hope.

Here’s On Hope.

Enjoy :)
-On Hope
[email protected]

Got any ideas? Suggestions? Feel free to reply to this email!


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